Talent Doesn’t Matter in a Team

Talent doesn’t matter in a team. Let me qualify that statement. Talent matters. But I’d much rather work with a friend than a talented jerk. I’d much rather work with someone who wants to collaborate, rather than someone who fights for their ideas until death. I want to work with someone I trust and who…

Healthy and Unhealthy Fear

There are two types of fear when it comes to the creative process: healthy and unhealthy. Yes, there’s a healthy fear. This is the fear that you’ll lose some money or crash and burn your company or organization. This type of healthy fear helps you avoid obvious mistakes and very dumb risks. And there are…

The Best Argument

I had the best argument with my friend Dave Chapman this morning. He’s helping me rebrand Church Stage Design Ideas as well as a few other sites. I had a vision. I had passion. He had a vision. He had passion. And we were fighting back and forth for it. At one point, one of…

My Magic List

My to do list possesses magical abilities. Yes, the things I get done seem completely unrelated to the length of my to do list. Some days I have 20 items on my list. Some days I have 10. Yet, as long as my head’s in the game I’m able to get both lists done under…