Jonathan Malm helps people uncover creative options for their life and their church. He’s the author of Created for More, a 30-day devotional to help you develop a more creative mind. You’ll find him in San Antonio, Texas, roasting his own coffee beans and enjoying life with his Argentine wife, Carolina.

My Injured Shoulder/Pride

It was 3am. The pain in my left shoulder was finally reaching intolerable levels. I tapped on my wife’s shoulder, trying to gently pull her from sleep. “Help me.” She tried massage. We tried Advil. We tried a sleeping pill. Finally we decided on the Emergency Room. She drove me there. We signed in. We…

Why I Love My Boss

No, this is not a plea for a raise. No, my job isn’t in jeopardy and I’m not buttering him up. I really love my boss, Rob Thomas (neither the Matchbox 20 frontman nor the creator of Veronica Mars). In fact, I hope he doesn’t read this. The reason I love my boss is because…

Who Really Cares?

Revelation: You care more about your art than anyone else. Nobody cares about it as much as you do. And there are two things you need to keep in mind about that truth. 1. You can relax. Nobody cares as much as you do. So you don’t have to stress out about it. Today’s issue…

You Aren’t a Tool

You aren’t a tool. You’re an artist. Stop letting your tools define what you create. I meet too many artists, geeks, and storytellers that whine about their lack of quality gear and technology. “If I only had ________  my art would be so much better.” When you start thinking like that you turn your work…

How to Cheat at Life

I was thinking back to my college years yesterday. I was remembering how well I did in all my classes, even though I didn’t study quite as much as I should have. You see, I had a technique for cheating. Well, it’s unfair to call it cheating. It’s more about understanding how the world works…

The Anatomy of a Hater

I’ve begun systematically removing the haters from my life. That means unfollowing, unfriending, disassociating…person after person. I have no time for negativity in my life. But that doesn’t mean I cut out everyone who provides good critiques and wise counsel. Those things are vital. I need those people in my life. But the hater –…