Jonathan Malm helps people uncover creative options for their life and their church. He’s the author of Created for More, a 30-day devotional to help you develop a more creative mind. You’ll find him in San Antonio, Texas, roasting his own coffee beans and enjoying life with his Argentine wife, Carolina.

3 of the Coolest Things About Your Enemies

I’ve been reading in the book of Isaiah lately. It’s a mixture of depressing and super encouraging all at once. It’s Isaiah lambasting the Israelites for rejecting God, and then telling them they’re going to be turned over to Assyrians and Babylonians… And then it’s talking about the goodness of God and how He’ll redeem…

Monday Morning Pep Talk

On Wednesday, I was completely unmotivated. I didn’t want to do any work. I just wanted to sit in front of the TV and veg all day. Instead, I cranked up some music, grabbed some coffee, and gave myself a hype pep talk. It actually worked. I thought I’d share the pep talk with you.…