Your Ugly Can Be Beautiful

I have ugly handwriting. There, I said it. That’s a huge weight off my shoulder. My dad tried to correct it early on. He’d sit me down at the kitchen table and force me (gently) to write through the alphabet a few times each night. It improved marginally. But I never fully developed that motor…

5 Things that Make You Unique

I’m a fan of the Meyers Briggs personality tests. I’m an ENTP if you’re curious. I love how the descriptions of the sixteen different personality types actually describe me. It’s like they know me. However, I know that’s not all there is to me. There are things that I have that make me unique from anyone…

What Your Response to Opinions Says About You

Everyone has an opinion. And for some, those opinions can feel like threats. For others, those opinions can feel like a lifeline. Still for others, opinions are simply helpful thoughts. What’s your response? There’s a good chance, if you feel opinions are threats or if you feel they’re lifelines, you care too much about what people…

My Temporary Identity

I’m convinced there is only one type of person who truly understands who they are. Those people are the ones moments from death. These people are the only ones who can look back upon moments of their life and see the thread of identity weaving itself through each second of their lives. For the rest…

Dealing with Manipulative Critics

I love Christians. I love the Church. But believers can be some of the most manipulative and controlling people you will meet. Not all. Not even the majority. But there are enough of them and their actions so heinous that they seem to be everywhere. I’ve had worship leader friends see this. One in particular…

Scarcity Mentality

Do you have a scarcity mentality toward ideas? I used to. When I first began blogging, I was also working full-time at my church. I had to come up with great ideas at home and at work. I was frankly worried I’d run out of good ideas. So I hoarded them. I had an idea…

The Guy I’m Jealous Of

I have a friend who seems to have all the luck. He gets floor seats to Laker games. He’s been on TV multiple times. People fly him all over the country just to hear what he has to say. He’s not really a public figure, but he’s treated like he is. It’s hard not to…