Don’t Read

I’m about to speak heresy. I know I’ll get crucified by some of my peers. But sometimes you need to put the leadership/self development books down. Sometimes you need to stop reading for a bit and explore on your own. So many of us become book and thought junkies. We’re looking for the latest trendy…

Tap into Pain

One of your greatest sources of inspiration will be life’s pains. As M. Scott Peck opens his book with, “Life is difficult.” It’s painful. Bad things happen along the way. It’s our responses to those bad things that define who we are. Will we respond well or will be respond badly? It’s easy to suppress the painful…

Visit a Lifestyle

Looking for a quick bit of inspiration? Visit a lifestyle different than your own. Have you noticed Abercrombie and Fitch models rarely get their pictures taken while driving to work, sitting in their cubicle or cooking dinner for their kids? Those scenarios aren’t exactly inspiring. Instead, they’re photographed playing polo, splashing water on each other…


One of the best ways to get your creative juices going is to think in opposites. Looking for a good idea? Pick something in the room and think of its opposite. Some things are easy. A white pepper shaker? Try a black salt shaker. But some things require a bit more thought…

Find Encouragement

You can’t always look to other creatives to help you overcome creative block. Creative blocks can be devastating. They’re emotionally trying. Especially if you define yourself based on your ability to create. That’s why you shouldn’t go to other creatives for help. It’s like asking for marriage help from an emotionally wrecked friend, going through…


Stand in front of the Great Wall of China. It completely blocks the horizon. You can’t see beyond the bricks in your path. But if you could hop in a helicopter and elevate about 100 feet, the world would open up in front of you. You could see what was previously blocked. That’s what today’s…

Get Crafty

Creatively stuck? Do a craft. I had a bad case of creative block last week. So I went to a fabric store, bought some “tools”, and made some Halloween costumes for my wife and me. The whole project only took about two hours and it pulled me out of my creative funk.

Don’t Care

Jonathan Mann writes a new song every day–regardless of whether or not he’s inspired to. That’s hustle. So how does he do it? And what’s something he’s learned about making songs he really likes. He doesn’t care. Check out the video to see what he’s talking about.