Will Anyone Like It?

I just finished first drafts for two new books I’ve been working on. I didn’t plan for the two to happen on the same day. But I inadvertently scheduled it that way. And now is when the doubt sets in. Are these even any good? Is my head full of doo doo nobody wants to…

Give Freely

Remember: A stingy planter gets a stingy crop; a lavish planter gets a lavish crop. I want each of you to take plenty of time to think it over, and make up your own mind what you will give. That will protect you against sob stories and arm-twisting. God loves it when the giver delights…

Scary Things are Good Things

As I write this I’m scared. I’m scared of three different projects I have going on. I don’t know if I’ll be able to pull them off under certain deadlines and successfully. I love this feeling! Now, I don’t really enjoy this feeling. My tummy’s in knots and my pulse is pounding. My insecurities are…

Making Room to Fail

I absolutely hate failure. It’s one of my least favorite things about life. But failure is absolutely necessary for growth. It’s only in pain and discomfort that we learn and develop into better artists and better people. So while I don’t intentionally fail, I do make room for myself to fail. I’m constantly trying new…

About Haters

I’ve discovered something about haters. They’re idealists. They’re idealists that can’t live up to their own ideals. Haters observe a situation and think they know how to do it better. It could be improved this way or that. It just isn’t right. Unfortunately, a hater will never step up and make it better. They don’t…

The Word No

I woke up this morning to two “no’s” in my email. They were from who were either unable to help me or didn’t want to help me. I got very discouraged and I dreaded the day. I was bummed. Finally, I shook myself out of it. No’s can be very discouraging. Even the possibility of…


Too many artists (and even regular people) beat themselves up thinking they need to be like those around them. Maybe they have less skill, less charisma, less outward beauty, less money…whatever. It’s an easy trap to fall into – comparing yourself to others. But it’s foolish to do that. We need to stop comparing ourselves to…