The Tenacity to Try

I was discussing inventors with a buddy of mine yesterday. We settled on Thomas Edison. I think it’s fascinating that so much of what we use today would not have been possible without his work. I wouldn’t be blogging today. And all this came from a school dropout. I’m convinced anyone can be extremely successful. But…

Others’ Successes

Anytime something good happens to me, people tend to say one of these two things. Either: You’re successful because you’re so talented. You’re successful because you worked so hard. I hate when people say either of those statements. I always want to balance the thought. Maybe I’m talented, but I worked freakin’ hard. Ok, maybe…


“It is good for workers to have an appetite; an empty stomach drives them on.” That’s one of my favorite verses from Proverbs. It’s sort of funny how we forget at times why we work. We work so we can eat and feed our families. We don’t work just to work. We work for a…