Scrolling Mona Lisa

In honor of yesterday’s post I’m offering an optical illusion. Check out this image that comes to life with the Mona Lisa when you scroll up or down. It’s accomplished by alternating dark and white lines. The “background” uses vertical lines, and the “foreground” uses horizontal lines. When you scroll, the computer blends the horizontal…

Visual Gastronomy|Episode 9|

Gastronomy The practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food. If you want to be physically fit, it’s important what you feed your mouth. If you want to be fit creatively, you need to feed your eyes and ears the right stuff. That’s what visual gastronomy is all about–good food for your eyes.…

Visual Gastronomy|Episode 7|

Gastronomy The practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food. If you want to be physically fit, it’s important what you feed your mouth. If you want to be fit creatively, you need to feed your eyes and ears the right stuff. That’s what visual gastronomy is all about–good food for your eyes.…

Visual Gastronomy|Episode 6|

Gastronomy The practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food. If you want to be physically fit, it’s important what you feed your mouth. If you want to be fit creatively, you need to feed your eyes and ears the right stuff. That’s what visual gastronomy is all about–good food for your eyes.…