Focus on the 20

I was interviewed last week by a new friend from Brazil. He asked me, “How do you deal with so many projects – a full-time job, a few blogs, and a magazine?” I suppose that does seem like some major projects. But I don’t really feel that busy. This is why. Vilfredo Pareto noticed an interesting…

Plan Your Procrastination

I feel horrible when I procrastinate. Obviously I don’t feel horrible enough to stop. But I do feel bad. That’s because the concept of procrastination is inherently bad. But leisure and relaxation are good concepts. We all need time to unwind and recharge. Unfortunately, I often procrastinate so much that I don’t have time to…

Ignore Some of Your Skills

Creatives tend to be good at a lot of different things. So they usually wear many hats. Look at the creatives you follow on Twitter. Their descriptions list multifarious skills like, “I’m a graphic designer, carpenter, astrophysicist, and bassoonist.” And they’re probably praised by their friends for their skills in each of these areas. But…

Let It Stew

Yesterday I told you about the tough times I was having getting motived. I did a few things wrong, but I did eventually find motivation. I finally connected with a buddy on Skype and started getting my creative juices going. I got motivated. But I didn’t start creating immediately. I let it stew.