Go on a Webventure

This is one of my favorite ways to get the creative juices flowing when I feel dried up. I pick a random topic from my past (a musician, actor, tv show, subject from school) and look it up on Wikipedia. Read a bit, then click on a random link inside that page and look at…

Got Game?

I make almost everything a game. If I’m not entertained, I use my imagination to turn the most menial task into a game. True, I’m basically a four year old…but I’m also constantly entertained. So when I got a chance to work on a website for a children’s program at my church, you can imagine…

Mango Falls

I stumbled across Mango Falls while searching for some bad ideas. I ran across a really intriguing photo and got sucked into the site. This random photography from the 50s-70s is absolutely mesmerizing. Check out the “About” page to understand the concept…but even if you don’t get what the site is all about…it will suck…

Lost World’s Fairs

The Lost World’s Fairs site is devoted to demonstrating Internet Explorer 9’s font capabilities. However, the Atlantis section is extremely inspirational. On this single page you can explore the depths of the oceans, eventually making your way to the lost city of Atlantis. Perhaps its the little kid in me…but I love exploring. This page…