Most Popular Posts

If you’ve just recently tuned into the blog, you’ve probably missed some good stuff. So here’s the top 5 posts from Enjoy them. Share them. Learn from them. You Aren’t Too Busy – 4 reasons you might feel like you’re too busy to do the things you want to do.

Creativity Quotes

Let these creativity quotes inspire you and keep you going through the weekend. I’ve hand selected each of these quotes to highlight an element of the creativity and the creative process. Enjoy! [testimonial author=”Albert Einstein”]Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.[/testimonial] [testimonial author=”Tina Turner”]Sometimes you’ve got to let everything…

Ignore Some of Your Skills

Creatives tend to be good at a lot of different things. So they usually wear many hats. Look at the creatives you follow on Twitter. Their descriptions list multifarious skills like, “I’m a graphic designer, carpenter, astrophysicist, and bassoonist.” And they’re probably praised by their friends for their skills in each of these areas. But…

Channel Others

Creative blocks come from routine. They come from all-too-familiar thoughts. We can’t get out of our heads and think of something new. But think about your creative heroes. That artist you admire…they seem to be different. Somehow they create things that baffle the mind and inspire the heck out of you. Note: No artist is…

Double Your Vision

Imagine if my dreams at night were as boring as the average life. My nights would be filled with 9-to-5’s, 401k’s, decent health insurance, and working Saturdays. But nobody dreams about those things at night. We dream about flying, becoming a millionaire, and going to school in our underwear. When it comes to our dream…

Building a Culture of Creativity

Are you a solo-creative? A solo-creative is a creative individual who works in an industry or company/church without other creatives. Usually they work in a largely “uncreative” industry or in a small company or church where they are the full extent of creative expression. Solo-creatives often yearn for companionship–we desperately want to work with other…