I Hate Holidays

Ya ya, it’s New Years Eve. Whoopdie fricken doo. I hate holidays. I hate Fridays. I hate vacations. I have work to do. And I’m excited about my work. Every day I’m supposed to relax is a day I can’t get things done. And that, my friend, is why I hate holidays. I’m convinced if…

The Power of a Story

Remember when I told you a couple weeks ago about my friend who said my writing was “mediocre at best”? He didn’t realize he was talking about my writing. But he was. And the thing that made this all so much worse is that this friend was my brother. My brother. The guy I looked…


When I was about seven years old I fell into a sewer. Really. I was hopping out of our 1985 Chevy Suburban, miscalculated my step, and fell into a ditch containing raw sewage. Was it smelly? Yes. In Guatemala, where we lived at the time, they ran their sewage through ditches on the sides of…

Will Anyone Like It?

I just finished first drafts for two new books I’ve been working on. I didn’t plan for the two to happen on the same day. But I inadvertently scheduled it that way. And now is when the doubt sets in. Are these even any good? Is my head full of doo doo nobody wants to…

My Fatal Flaws

I have two fatal flaws. The first: I’m super sensitive. I was a cry baby as a kid. If someone said something that hurt my feelings, I turned into Eeyore in a few seconds. I’d cry. A dark cloud followed me around all day. It was messy. The second flaw: I can be super manipulative.…