This is My New Years Resolution

I get this weird fear when I take a long time off from work. When I stop tweeting and posting pithy bits on Facebook and Twitter, I start worrying that people forget I exist. I mean, do I really exist if people aren’t liking or retweeting my thoughts? So that leads me to posting silly…

Making a Routine for Inspiration

Working each day to stay inspired is no simple matter. It’s hard to get that burst of creative energy first thing in the morning. But I’ve developed a system that works for me to get my going. It just takes a bit of preparation on the weekends and in the morning. Allow me to share.…

You’re a Fraud

I run a website called It’s quite simply a site for stage designers. Churches publish photos and tutorials of their set designs for other churches to learn from and emulate. I stumbled upon the idea. I knew there was a need for something like this and I figured, “Why shouldn’t I do it?” So…