Another Emergency Room Visit?

I finally made the decision. I’d go to CrossFit with my wife. She’s been wanting me to try it for a while. I’ve been nervous. Last time I tried a CrossFit-type workout I wound up in the Emergency Room at 3am an experienced a rather traumatic night. But as a gesture of love and as…

I Waste a Lot of Time

You’ll see on the left side of my blog, here, the projects I publicize. These are my pet projects that bring in the majority of my income. But I bet you didn’t know I have more projects than these. I actually have quite a few that nobody even knows are mine. They’re experiments. I try…

When Is Your Idea Ready?

On Friday, I uploaded my thousandth photo to my website, If you’re unfamiliar with the site, it’s a stock photo site for bloggers and social media mavens. You pay $5/month and get unlimited photo downloads from the site for whatever you need. Back in August 2013, before I started the site, I was contemplating…

It Was Almost Too Creative…

I’d say I’m a very creative individual. I might not be massively athletic… I might not be the greatest musician… There are many things I’m not. But I am very creative. And I owe much of my creativity to my dad. He’s a very creative individual. He’s the creative giant upon whose shoulders I stand.…

How Do You Know If Your Dream is From God?

As a child, I wanted to be so many different things. I had thousands of dreams swirling in my head. It was like one of those spinning fireworks were whirling in my head—each spark representing a dream or idea for my future. There was a season where I wanted to be a world famous magician.…

What Should I Offer My Readers?

So here’s a purely selfish post. My book comes out in September, but I’m trying to get people to pre-order the book. What should I offer as an incentive to those who pre-order? First, about the book. The book is a devotional to help you think creatively. It’s not just for church workers. It’s not…

The Best Ideas are Simple

I had just finished telling my friend an idea I had. I was so excited to tell him because I knew the idea was absolutely brilliant. But after taking about two sentences to describe the idea, it felt silly to me. Suddenly my brilliant idea felt too simple to be worth anything. I almost sensed…

Why Humility Actually Helps Your Dream

I’ve always had a hard time believing the concept that you have to be humble before you can achieve anything successful. It’s what Saint Augustine said: “Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility.” To me, the two seem unlinked.…

Have Some Self Respect

I’m about to let you in on some secrets of blogging. Did you know almost all my income comes from advertisers on my websites. Until recently (now with a few books for sale), I didn’t have a single thing to sell on any of my sites. I was completely reliant on companies giving me money…