Jonathan Malm helps people uncover creative options for their life and their church. He’s the author of Created for More, a 30-day devotional to help you develop a more creative mind. You’ll find him in San Antonio, Texas, roasting his own coffee beans and enjoying life with his Argentine wife, Carolina.

Shadows and Projections

I’m not sure I understand the artsiness of this…but it amazes me. It’s from a Ted Talk…here’s what they have to say: “Using animation, projections and her own moving shadow, Miwa Matreyek performs a gorgeous, meditative piece about inner and outer discovery. Take a quiet 10 minutes and dive in. With music from Anna Oxygen,…

Unlikely Disguises

Want to make a lasting impact on someone? Disguise you’re creativity as something else. “What do you mean,” you ask? Take this wonderful example of an unlikely disguise by Art Lebedev Studio. It’s packaging for a fragrance called Levelus. Can you figure out who this particular product is aimed at?

Completely Unplug

Phantom Vibration Syndrome: feeling your phone ringing in your pocket when no calls are coming in. Have you experienced it? On a recent cruise I experienced PVS at least 20 times. I wasn’t even carrying my phone! I’m not saying I hate being connected to every single person in the world by whipping my phone…


I saw the most hilarious joke the other day on Twitter: Roses are #ff0000 Violets are #0000ff Unfortunately, if you aren’t involved in web coding or other computer-based graphic design…you didn’t get that one. Those codes are hexadecimal codes for red and blue. While I literally laughed out loud at this joke, I told this…

Superman Underwear

“Which goes on first? My underwear or jeans?” This was my dilemma as a 5-year-old. One morning, due to temporary amnesia or my own naivety, I couldn’t remember the proper apparel order. I was planning to wear my favorite, Superman underwear that day. It was going to be a great day…if only I could remember…

Don’t Fear Similar Ideas

In your quest for creativity you will come across similar ideas. This can be extremely discouraging. You spend countless hours working through your thoughts and refining your idea, only to come across someone who is already working on something similar. Don’t fear this. In the creative world, there is room for similar ideas to survive.

Take the Pressure Off

When you are experiencing creativity block, it usually means you’re under pressure of some sort. Either pressure from a boss, a client, or yourself. This pressure can cause you to shut down the creative areas of your brain. These areas tend to be a bit more bashful and we have to give them a happy…

Mango Falls

I stumbled across Mango Falls while searching for some bad ideas. I ran across a really intriguing photo and got sucked into the site. This random photography from the 50s-70s is absolutely mesmerizing. Check out the “About” page to understand the concept…but even if you don’t get what the site is all about…it will suck…