Comedy with No Sound

I’m a fan of sit-coms. Plop me in front of the TV and I’ll enter a sit-coma laughing occasionally at all the formulaic jokes. Do you relate? But have you ever watched a sit-com with the sound off? It’s not nearly as funny…until you start making up your own story. And that’s today’s Creative Draino:…

Starting Over

Everyone knows what the troubled writer’s waste basket looks like. It’s overflowing with the writer’s crumpled up visions. Each page could have been the beginning of something amazing. But those pages will never see the light of day. Crumpled paper comes from perfectionism.


Experiencing dried-up creativity? All creatives experience the desert of creative block. Take today’s Creative Draino to get the juices flowing again: hang out with some kids. Children’s brains work differently than ours.