
One of the best ways to get your creative juices going is to think in opposites. Looking for a good idea? Pick something in the room and think of its opposite. Some things are easy. A white pepper shaker? Try a black salt shaker. But some things require a bit more thought…

Create Worlds

I’m not a huge video game enthusiast. But every now and then a game immerses me in its world and I become a fan. Few games have done that like the Myst games. These games transport you from our all-too familiar world to one that seems similar, but isn’t. The visuals are stunning and the…

The Workcation

This is a guest blog from my buddy, Josh Neuroth. Six weeks ago, I stepped out of my comfort zone to do something different. I temporarily moved from rural Michigan to Brooklyn, NY on a “workcation” and what a personal transformation it’s been. I wanted to experience urban life and everything that came with it.…

Let It Stew

Yesterday I told you about the tough times I was having getting motived. I did a few things wrong, but I did eventually find motivation. I finally connected with a buddy on Skype and started getting my creative juices going. I got motivated. But I didn’t start creating immediately. I let it stew.

Find Encouragement

You can’t always look to other creatives to help you overcome creative block. Creative blocks can be devastating. They’re emotionally trying. Especially if you define yourself based on your ability to create. That’s why you shouldn’t go to other creatives for help. It’s like asking for marriage help from an emotionally wrecked friend, going through…