Modify Your Scene

I found myself blocked yesterday. I sat down to write. I had nothing. I always get inspired at my writing desk (dining room table). But today there was nothing. And deadlines prevented me from sitting down for another game of Mario Brothers on the Wii. Creative blocks are sneaky. They come on slowly. You only notice…

Create Consequences

I was talking to a friend recently about my Conquering Laziness post. He has a dream but can’t seem to force himself to make it happen. It’s too easy to lounge around and watch tv or play video games. He’s a talented songwriter and musician who could do some amazing stuff. But he just isn’t doing…

Conquering Perfectionism

This is part 5 in a 5 part series called “Conquering Inaction”. Perfectionism is toxic. It’s more devious than the other three causes of inaction. Perfectionism makes you feel like you’re doing something when you aren’t. You feel like you’re perfecting your art or dream. You feel like you’re making progress toward making it a reality.…

Conquering Laziness

This is part 4 in a 5 part series called “Conquering Inaction”. You know your dream takes action. But sometimes it’s hard to get off your butt and make your dreams come true. But creativity means movement. And you’re not being creative if you aren’t creating. One of the main reasons we get lazy about…

Conquering Insecurity

This is part 2 in a 5-part series called “Conquering Inaction”. Insecurity is the voice in your head whispering, “You aren’t good enough.” It slowly chisels away at your dream until it’s down to nothing. Now you’re not acting. Do you feel inadequate to make your big dream come true? Do you feel inexperienced? You…

I Might Be Paranoid

There’s a good chance I’m paranoid. I’m starting an online magazine called Sunday| mag. I have no funds. I’m relying on amazing graphic designers and writers to do their work for free. The only thing I have is a vision. It’s going really well. And I’m a bit frightened that I haven’t received any resistance.…

Shake Yourself

Sometimes I just can’t come up with good ideas. But sometimes I’m just lazy. I could come up with something…I just don’t want to put in the effort. I think this is the source of most of our creative blocks. The key to overcoming these blocks is just powering through them.

Plan Your Procrastination

I feel horrible when I procrastinate. Obviously I don’t feel horrible enough to stop. But I do feel bad. That’s because the concept of procrastination is inherently bad. But leisure and relaxation are good concepts. We all need time to unwind and recharge. Unfortunately, I often procrastinate so much that I don’t have time to…