Focus on the 20

I was interviewed last week by a new friend from Brazil. He asked me, “How do you deal with so many projects – a full-time job, a few blogs, and a magazine?” I suppose that does seem like some major projects. But I don’t really feel that busy. This is why. Vilfredo Pareto noticed an interesting…

Schizophrenia and Art

I love magic tricks. A great illusion puts a bit of ambiguity back into my world – a world that is far too black and white. The world likes to be clear cut and simple. But it isn’t. The world is filled with mystery and contradiction. It’s filled with ambiguity. Wonder and curiosity happen in ambiguity.…

18 Pages

How many books do you own that you’ve only half read? Check your bookcase. I’ll wait. Did you know most people don’t get past page 18 in the books they buy? They lose interest. And many of these books are amazing books – best sellers. That’s why people buy them. But those first 18 pages…

The 3 States of an Artist

As you get better at and learn more about art, you come to a fork in the road. There are now three paths to traverse. They are: Criticism Stagnation Exploration Criticism Most “artists” choose this path. Instead of creating, they turn into the critics. They know enough art to consider themselves experts. So instead of…

10 Truths About Great Ideas

1. They don’t always win. Just because an idea is great doesn’t mean people will like it.  Sometimes you’ll need to convince people an idea is great. That takes perseverance, hustle and a little charm. 2. Anyone can have a great idea. Listen carefully to every idea. How many great corporate ideas came from janitors or…

Curiosity is Worth the Risk

Curiosity killed the cat? I say it’s worth the risk. Preschool children ask their parents (on average) 100 questions per day. “Why is the sky blue? Where do babies come from? Why was mommy kissing Santa Claus?” Their curiosity is insatiable. But by middle school they’ve pretty much stopped asking. It’s not that middle school…