Easter’s Over

Church worker. It’s over. Relax. Hibernate a bit. Recover from the nightmarish weekend. But don’t let yourself get discouraged. Don’t give up. Real things happened yesterday. Eternities were changed. Lives were made whole. It wasn’t all about perfection and production. It was about real people in need of a real savior. Don’t ever forget that.…

All Things Good and Great

I love this quote from Martin Luther (the German monk, not the junior king): “I have so much to do that if I didn’t spend at least three hours a day in prayer I would never get it all done.” I don’t normally think of monks as being particularly busy. But Mr. Luther was a…

Spiritual Criticism

Got another wonderful bit of “spiritual criticism” the other day on my blog, WorshipSetIdeas.com. Here it is: Wow. A blog showing off worship sessions from churches. Never thought I would ever see something like this. I thought worship was meant for the Lord, not for broadcasting like a show on youtube or blogs. All I…

Crappy Jobs and Situations

I’ve noticed a huge trend among my friends. Many of them are in bummer jobs. Either they don’t feel challenged, don’t feel valued, or have no hope for growth. They’re frustrated, and I try to encourage them. This is what I encourage them with… Note: Before we start, I came from an absolutely wonderful job.…

My Identity in Character

I’ve been redefining myself. It’s easy for artists to find our identity in what we create. It’s natural. But that’s not healthy. When we create something sucky, our self-worth plummets. If someone doesn’t like our art, we feel worthless. No, it’s not healthy to define ourselves by what we make. The natural solution, and the…

Edgy Christians

I’m not afraid to be edgy. But as I was writing my blog post last Wednesday, I felt very uncomfortable with the post I was writing. It was one line. See if you can find the line: The world needs brave artists. There’s far too much safe art. It’s the art you keep hidden in…

Take God Seriously

“But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It’s quite simple: (1) Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, (2) be compassionate and loyal in your love, (3) And don’t take yourself too seriously – take God seriously.” I love…

Invite and Include

This blog post is fueled by a discussion induced adrenaline high. I just finished chatting with someone that wants to help me make Sunday| Mag‘s design and layout much better than I’ve been able to. My stellar designers have already made it awesome…but my end of the layout isn’t where it should be. How do…

Mo Money Mo Problems

Stay small! I constantly warn small churches against increasing their technology and their budgets. Seriously, the B.I.G. was right. Mo money mo problems. For every problem technology solves, it brings more and bigger problems with it. Imagine you’re switching from those old school overhead projectors to powerpoint to project worship lyrics. It gives you flexibility…