The Power of Community

This isn’t exactly a “creative” post. But I guarantee this concept will change your life…in almost every positive way. My wife and I have been discovering the power of community. We moved to a new city…always a lonely experience. The first thing we realized is that we need a community around us. We need folks…

Establish Boundaries

Take a second to identify the things that distract you and keep you from reaching your creative potential. Is it television? Youtube? Facebook? Video games? We’ve talked about hiding your TV or putting filters on your computer to keep you from getting distracted. But what about people that keep you from reaching your creative potential?…

More Cussing to God

Sheesh!  I never expected the backlash I’d receive from my post about “Cussing to God”. I wrote it out of an honest moment between my wife and I…desiring to be super real with God. I realize, though, some people might have been shocked that I suggested you could cuss while praying to God. So here’s…

Cussing to God

I love the idea that we can be real with God. My wife and I have been going through a rough month filled with various stresses. I was encouraging her to pray to God and be ultra real. I found myself saying, “You can even cuss to Him if you need.” Is that true? Can…

Invite and Include

This blog post is fueled by a discussion induced adrenaline high. I just finished chatting with someone that wants to help me make Sunday| Mag‘s design and layout much better than I’ve been able to. My stellar designers have already made it awesome…but my end of the layout isn’t where it should be. How do…

Mo Money Mo Problems

Stay small! I constantly warn small churches against increasing their technology and their budgets. Seriously, the B.I.G. was right. Mo money mo problems. For every problem technology solves, it brings more and bigger problems with it. Imagine you’re switching from those old school overhead projectors to powerpoint to project worship lyrics. It gives you flexibility…

4 Paradoxes of Creativity

There will never be enough books on creativity. That’s because we’ll never be able to fully figure it out. Obviously, if the God of the universe is the supreme creative being, how could we hope to fully understand it? It’s so far above us. And one of the craziest things about creativity is the seeming…

Art is Lonely

My friend was depressed. In a funk. He just returned from an amazing event where he was surrounded with creative genius. Surrounded by people that understood him. The way he thought. The way he worked. But then he got home. To his church. To the mundane day to day. Lofty ideas and the buzz of…