Why I Used to Think I’m Not Creative

I consider myself a fairly creative individual. But I haven’t always thought that about myself. In fact, I assumed I wasn’t artistic at all when I was younger. You see, in elementary I hated art class. I liked drawing and painting. But my 2nd grade art teacher was a horrible woman. I don’t say that…

My Time Management System

I got a question about how I organize my schedule last week. How do I keep five blogs, one magazine, and a stock photo site going—while still finding time to write books? So I thought I’d write a super practical post and give you a glimpse of how I keep track of my to-do list.…

Don’t Give Yourself Enough Time

I had a friend who’s a musician in Nashville. He has some a job and some good gigs here and there. But he’s still working his way into the scene and up the musician ladder. So I encouraged him to start writing a new song each day and publishing it to YouTube. It’s an opportunity to grow…

What I’m Learning About Food Blogging

If you missed it, I’m trying my hand at food blogging. It seemed like a natural extension since I cook every evening. And food blogging is still a fairly untouched niche with a lot of traffic options. It’s funny, though. I’m learning that food blogging (at least in the beginning) has very little to do with the…

Brilliant Ideas are Easy

Have you noticed the new quotes I’m adding as the featured image for my blog posts? My blogging friend, Josh White, noticed it and was jealous that I had the idea first. (I’m sure someone else is doing it. I’m sure I’m not the first.) But I laugh that he’s jealous of my idea. Because…

Chapter 2 of My New Book Sucks

I’m writing a new book. I just finished writing the second chapter. It sucks. I know exactly what I want to say in the chapter. The content is golden. But when it makes its way from my brain, to my fingers, to the keyboard…it just starts sucking. But I finished the chapter anyways. I could…

Get Out of the Grass

I think we all have that one big dream we want to achieve. It’s something we’ve been thinking about for a while. We’ve been making plans. We’re waiting for the stars to align so we can follow the dream and see if comes to pass. I like to think of this dream as a gazelle in…

I’m Starting a Food Blog!

Announcing my latest blogging endeavor. It’s a paleo food blog. I know, it’s completely different than any other blog I have. And frankly it’s a little bit outside of my comfort zone. But a few nights ago I was wide awake with the idea. I couldn’t sleep for about two hours while I was thinking…

When Success Holds You Back

Can one success hold you back from another success? I truly believe it can. And I see many people fall into this trap. I’ve seen many people take risks early on in life. They’ve become very successful. But once they’ve achieved that success, they get comfortable. They begin clinging to that success for stability—unwilling to…