You Don’t Need More Time

This quote hit me so hard today. “Millions long for immortality who don’t know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.” – Susan Ertz So many of wish for more time in our day. We wish we didn’t have to eat or sleep so we could get more work done. But then a…

Unless You Change, You Lose

Styles change. Passions don’t. Unfortunately, most people have passion for styles. Musicians are married to their genre. Technically-minded people are married to their technology. So when styles change, they find themselves outdated and unable to cope. Then when they can’t keep up, their passion dies. And that’s when they lose out.

What Should I Do?

I’m fighting an internal battle at the moment. I have an idea. It’s an idea that I think would be amazing. But it’s a far cry from my current skill set and sweet spot. So this is my dilemma. Should I pursue the great idea and risk killing a bit of the momentum with my…

Finding Zen in a Crazy Situation

Right now I’m in a three bedroom house with twelve people. One group is speaking rapid Spanish, the other English. My wife and I are at her parents’ house for the holidays, and they have some extra family visiting from Argentina. Right now I’m sitting at the table with eight people chatting it up and…

This is My New Years Resolution

I get this weird fear when I take a long time off from work. When I stop tweeting and posting pithy bits on Facebook and Twitter, I start worrying that people forget I exist. I mean, do I really exist if people aren’t liking or retweeting my thoughts? So that leads me to posting silly…