5 Unfair Ways to Make Your Point

I talked about my personality type on Monday. Part of what makes me ENTP is the fact that I love a good debate. I actually like debating just to debate. I’ll often play the devil’s advocate and argue for something I don’t even believe. Does that make me evil? Probably. But I think because I…

Why I’m Skeptical of Experts

I was scrolling through a popular Christian blog site recently, when it struck me how many different types of experts there are. One expert was telling me why I should keep my kids in the service with me. Another expert was telling me why men should embrace true masculinity. Still another was saying we need to…

5 Things to Look for in a Leader to Follow

Jesus talked in Luke about the importance of choosing who leads you: “…the student who is fully trained will become like the teacher.” That means you will become a mini version of whoever you let lead you. Choosing a leader is important. This is true for a boss, a pastor, or anyone you plan on joining…

What I Learned from Business School

I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Marketing. I put in the time, got my degree, and even graduated with honors. But to be honest, I’m not entirely sure how much that degree has helped me in running my businesses. Understand, I believe in the power of education. I even believe in the power of getting…

What I Actually Do for a Job

Most of my friends don’t really know what I do for a job. I’m a self-employed…writer? …entrepreneur? …website manager? It’s hard to put a label on it. So instead, I just thought I’d list all the things I do to make money, in descending order. If nothing else, I’ll be able to send my friends…

Why Silence (on Social Media) is Golden

I always laugh when I see these types of posts on social media: “I normally don’t speak up about this sort of thing, but I felt compelled to say…” They fell into the trap. They fell into the trap of thinking they needed to say something on social media about the latest scandal, tragedy, soap…

Why I’m Not Into the Quick Buck

Every now and then I get an idea or an opportunity that’ll make a quick buck. Either there’s a product idea that I know will sell, or someone approaches me to do something that’ll be decent money. The problem is, it’s usually something I’m not passionate or something that won’t contribute to my overall goal in…