How to Beat Any Deadline

I have a Skype call scheduled in 24 minutes. And I want to get this blog post done. (This one right here.) Crap…now it’s only 23 minutes away. I’ve been wracking my brain for the last 15 minutes trying to decide what to write about. I have a bunch of thoughts, but they haven’t developed…

Embracing Heresy

My favorite thing my dad taught me: It’s okay to go to a church whose theology you don’t agree with. Now, read to the end before you mentally check out. When we lived in Guatemala, we went to two different churches. We’d go to an extremely liturgical, English-speaking church in the early morning, and an…

How to Introduce Yourself

At the beginning of sixth grade, my family moved back to the United States from our missionary adventures in Guatemala. We moved to a tiny town in the Texas hill country and I began attending a public school there. My first day, I ran into a group of guys at orientation. They took one look…

Why Failure is Not Failure

Since being let go from the position with Echo, I’ve been slowly processing everything. When I tell people about it, I don’t really know how to label the experience. While it feels like failure…getting fired always feels like failure…it really wasn’t failure. The company made some money because I was there. It was the most…

My Brand New Project

I’m happy to introduce you to my brand new project. It’s called (I told you the name was deliciously fun.) So what is It’s a site for bloggers and social media experts. We’re constantly in need of great visuals for Instagram, Pinterest, and our blogs. So makes it easy and inexpensive to…

Getting that One Big Idea

In the next week or two I’ll unveil a brand new company I’m starting. It’s something I’ve been excited about for over a year, and it’s finally coming together. I really believe it’s a great idea that will turn into a fantastic business. I think it’ll work because it’s something I want. If this company…