3 Ways to Make Your Boss Less Restrictive

Want your boss to let you work from a coffee shop? Or take long lunches? Or visit with friends during the work day? I’m convinced you can make it happen. One of my favorite things about self-employment is the liberty to do whatever I want and work on my own schedule. But I’ve also experienced…

7 Indications Your Pastor is Leading You Well

I’m convinced God doesn’t care as much about church style as we do. His goal for the Church is merely to accomplish His purpose on the earth. That means there are thousands of different styles, visions, sizes, and personalities that can make this happen. At the same time, I think there are a few things you…

5 Social Taboos that Are Totally Worth Breaking

I’m not a fan of being weird just to be weird. But I do believe there are some social taboos we have that aren’t necessarily worth keeping. Trying to stay within these social norms makes many people unhappy or feel unnecessary pressure. Here are a few social taboos I think are totally worth ignoring. 1. Unfriending…

The Three Best Types of Life-Gambles

Life is a series of risks. I believe you can’t do anything of true worth unless you’re willing to risk. But there are three categories of life-risks available to you. Over the last few months, I’ve been working my way through all three, figuring out how they impact my life and the success I’m working toward.…

The Big Lesson Millennials Can Teach the Church

There’s a lot of talk nowadays about the problem with Millennials – the older generation finds them difficult to work with and often sees them as an entitled bunch. That might be true, but I’m convinced Millennials have something to teach the church that no other generation has. In fact, I’m convinced every generation has…