3 Reasons God Chose You

Have you ever thought of the implications of John 15:16, where Jesus said, “You did not choose me, but I chose you.” We were chosen by God. That can feel like a scary thing, because we frankly don’t feel all that worthy all the time. (At least I sure don’t.) So why did God choose us?…

5 Sinister Things Comparison Does

It’s said comparison is the thief of joy. I experience that from time to time. Whether I hear of someone else’s success, see someone’s post on social media, or read about some twenty-year-old tech billionaire who already accomplished more than I will in my whole life… I’ve felt the joy-suck of comparison. Here’s five things…

There Are No Easy Answers, But That’s Okay

Anyone who offers you an easy answer to life’s complicated problems is trying to sell you something. And there’s a good chance you’re about to get duped, because life doesn’t really work that way. Despite what blogs offer you in their click-bait headlines or what the latest product offers: There are no easy answers. When…